FrontBase Database Query Tool Features

The FrontBase database query tool features provided by RazorSQL include a custom FrontBase database browser tailored to FrontBase, a FrontBase SQL editor with syntax highlighting, custom FrontBase visual tools, and FrontBase specific database administration tools. Listed below are more details on these features.

FrontBase Visual Tools

  • A FrontBase create table tool that generates FrontBase specific create table SQL that includes such elements as column names, column types, column lengths or precisions, column scales, nullability, unique constraints, and default values
  • A FrontBase create view tool that generates the SQL for creating FrontBase views
  • A FrontBase create index tool that generates the SQL for creating FrontBase indexes and includes elements such as index name, uniqueness, and columns
  • A FrontBase alter table tool for generating the SQL to alter FrontBase tables with such options as add column, add primary key, add foreign key, add constraint, drop column, and drop constraint
  • SQL Drop Tools for dropping tables and views
  • A visual edit table tool for visually editing FrontBase tables in a spreadsheet format
  • FrontBase Import and Export tools for importing data into tables, or exporting data from single tables or all tables in a database
  • A Generate DDL Tool for FrontBase for generating FrontBase DDL.

FrontBase Database Browser

  • Displays information in a tree format for databases, tables, views, procedures, and functions
  • Displays FrontBase table information such as column name, column type, column length, column nullability, and primary and foreign key information
  • Easily view table contents or database object information via the View Contents and Show Info context menu options