
AWS IAM Authentication with MySQL or MariaDB How to authenticate using AWS IAM authentication when connecting to an RDS or Aurora MySQL or MariaDB database instance.
AWS IAM Authentication with PostgreSQL How to authenticate using AWS IAM authentication when connecting to an RDS or Aurora PostgreSQL database instance.
Connecting to Amazon Athena via Azure AD authentication using JDBC How to connect to Amazon Athena via Azure AD authentication using JDBC.
Connecting to Amazon Athena via ADFS using JDBC How to connect to Amazon Athena via Active Directory Federation Services authentication using JDBC.
HSQLDB Database Create Trigger Examples Examples of various types of create trigger statements for the HSQLDB / HyperSQL database.
SQL Software for SQL, NoSQL, and Cloud Databases RazorSQL SQL Software support for SQL, NoSQL, and Cloud Databases.
AWS Athena System Queries This article contains information on common AWS Athena system queries like show tables, show views, etc.
PostgreSQL Create Procedure Examples PostgreSQL 11 now supports stored procedure. This article gives examples and information about how to create PostgreSQL stored procedures.
PostgreSQL Create Function Examples This article gives examples and information about how to create PostgreSQL stored functions.
DynamoDB Parallel Scans and How to Execute Them Information on DynamoDB parallel scans with information on how to execute them in RazorSQL.
Oracle - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in an Oracle database.
Oracle - How to Start and Stop a Session Trace Information on how to start and stop a trace on a session in an Oracle database.
MySQL - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in a MySQL database.
MS SQL Server - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in an MS SQL Server database.
PostgreSQL - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in a PostgreSQL database.
Amazon Redshift - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in an Amazon Redshift database.
DB2 - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in DB2 database.
Sybase - How to Find and Kill a Session Information on how to find and kill a session in Sybase database.
Oracle - How to Find Grants for a Table Information on how to find grants for a table in Oracle.
MySQL - How to Find Grants for a Table Information on how to find grants for a table in MySQL.
Oracle to PostgreSQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert Oracle tables to PostgreSQL tables.
Oracle to MySQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert Oracle tables to MySQL tables.
Oracle to MS SQL Server Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert Oracle tables to MS SQL Server tables.
DB2 to MySQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert DB2 tables to MySQL tables.
DB2 to PostgreSQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert DB2 tables to PostgreSQL tables.
DB2 to Oracle Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert DB2 tables to Oracle tables.
DB2 to MS SQL Server Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert DB2 tables to MS SQL Server tables.
MS SQL Server to MySQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert MS SQL Server tables to MySQL tables.
MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert MS SQL Server tables to PostgreSQL tables.
MS SQL Server to Oracle Database Conversion Information on the RazorSQL database conversion tool that can convert MS SQL Server tables to Oracle tables.
Connecting to Oracle using LDAP authentication with JDBC Information on how to connect to Oracle using LDAP authentication and JDBC drivers.
Connecting to Amazon Redshift Using IAM Credentials via JDBC Information on how to connect to Amazon Redshift using IAM credentials via the Redshift JDBC driver.
Connecting to SQL Azure using Azure Active Directory Authentication Information on how to connect to SQL Azure using Azure Active Directory user/password and integrated authentication.
Configuring SSH Tunnels for Database Connections Information on how to configure SSH tunnels for connecting to databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL over SSH.
DynamoDB Provisioned Throughput Considerations Information on the read / write capacity impacts on performance with Amazon DynamoDB.
How to Create SSH Keys Information on how to create SSH keys for connecting to SSH servers without a password.
Connecting to Oracle Using a TNS File with the JDBC Thin Driver Information on how to connect to Oracle using a TNS file with the JDBC thin driver.
How to View Oracle Compile Errors for Procedures, Triggers, Packages, etc. Information on how to view Oracle compilation errors for procedures, functions, triggers, packages, and package bodies
RazorSQL MySQL PHP Bridge Information on using the RazorSQL MySQL PHP Bridge to connect to MySQL databases that do not allow remote access
Connecting to MySQL for GoDaddy Users Information on using the RazorSQL MySQL PHP Bridge to connect to MySQL databases remotely for GoDaddy web hosting users.
Connecting to MySQL for Yahoo Users Information on using the RazorSQL MySQL PHP Bridge to connect to MySQL databases remotely for Yahoo web hosting users.
How to Connect to Oracle Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to Oracle databases using JDBC.
How to Connect to MS SQL Server Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to Microsoft SQL Server databases using JDBC.
How to Connect to MySQL Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to MySQL databases using JDBC.
How to Connect to Postgres Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to PostgreSQL databases using JDBC.
How to Connect to Redshift Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to AWS Redshift databases using JDBC.
How to Connect to SQLite Databases via JDBC Information on getting connected to SQLite databases using JDBC.
RazorSQL PostgreSQL PHP Bridge Information on using the RazorSQL PostgreSQL PHP Bridge to connect to PostrgreSQL databases that do not allow remote access
RazorSQL SQL Server PHP Bridge Information on using the RazorSQL SQL Server PHP Bridge to connect to SQL Server databases that do not allow remote access
RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge Information on using the RazorSQL SQL Server ASP Bridge to connect to SQL Server databases that do not allow remote access
RazorSQL JDBC Bridge Information on using the RazorSQL JDBC Bridge to connect to databases via an application server such as Websphere, Tomcat, etc.
MySQL Admin - How to View MySQL Objects Example MySQL queries for viewing system information about MySQL such as tables, views, procedures, etc.
MS SQL Server Admin - Queries for Getting Tables, Views, Procedures, Triggers, and more. Example MS SQL Server queries for viewing system information about MS SQL Server such as tables, views, procedures, indexes, etc.
Sybase Admin - Queries for Getting Tables, Views, Procedures, Triggers, and more. Example Sybase queries for viewing system information about Sybase such as tables, views, procedures, indexes, etc.
Oracle System Queries for viewing Oracle tables, views, schemas, procedures, procedure columns, functions, triggers, and indexes. Example Oracle queries for viewing system information about Oracle such as tables, views, procedures, schemas, functions, triggers, indexes, etc.
SQLite System Queries for viewing SQLite tables, views, indexes, and triggers. Example SQLite queries for viewing system information about SQLite such as tables, views, indexes, and triggers.
PostgreSQL System Queries for viewing Postgres tables, views, indexes, functions, schemas, and triggers. Example Postgres queries for viewing system information such as tables, views, indexes, functions, schemas, and triggers.
Firebird System Queries for viewing tables, views, indexes, procedures, functions, and triggers. Example Firebird database queries for viewing system information such as tables, views, indexes, functions, procedures, and triggers.
Cassandra System Queries for viewing keyspaces, tables, views, indexes, and table columns. Example Cassandra database queries for viewing system information such as keyspaces, tables, views, indexes, and table columns.
How to Open and Edit MS Access Databases from Mac OS X / macOS Information on how to use RazorSQL to open, read, and edit Microsoft Access databases from Mac OS X / macOS.
Displaying MySQL Column Names and Values via PHP Example PHP code needed to display MySQL column names and values.
Displaying PostgreSQL Column Names and Values via PHP Example PHP code needed to display PostgreSQL column names and values.
Displaying MS SQL Server Column Names and Values via PHP Example PHP code needed to display MS SQL Server column names and values.
Displaying MS SQL Server Column Names and Values via ASP Example ASP code needed to display MS SQL Server column names and values.
Connecting to MySQL via SSL and JDBC Example of how to securely connect to MySQL using SSL and JDBC.
Connecting to PostgreSQL via SSL and JDBC Example of how to securely connect to PostgreSQL using SSL and JDBC.
Installing MySQL on Mac OS X / macOS Information on how to install MySQL on Mac OS X / macOS.
Connecting to MS SQL Server from Mac OS X / macOS Information on how to connect to MS SQL Server from Mac OS X / macOS.
Getting Started with SQLite on Mac OS X / macOS Information on getting started with SQLite on Mac OS X / macOS.
Getting Started with SQLite on Linux Information on getting started with SQLite on Linux systems.
Getting Started with SQLite on Windows Information on getting started with SQLite on Microsoft Windows systems.
Select Top Syntax Equivalents for Various Databases How to achieve select top N results from a query for various databases
Limiting MySQL Query Results Using the MySQL Limit Syntax Information on how to limit MySQL query results.
Limiting Oracle Query Results Using Rownum Information on how to limit Oracle SQL query results.
Limiting DB2 Query Results Using FETCH FIRST syntax Information on how to limit DB2 SQL query results.
Limiting MS SQL Server Query Results Using the Top Syntax Information on how to limit MS SQL Server SQL query results.
Limiting PostgreSQL Query Results Using the Limit and Offset Syntax Information on how to limit PostgreSQL SQL query results.
Limiting Sybase Query Results Using the Top Syntax Information on how to limit Sybase SQL query results.
How to Limit Rows with Cassandra Information on how to limit rows returned in Cassandra query results.
How to Limit Rows with Derby Information on how to limit rows returned in Derby query results.
How to Limit Rows with Firebird Information on how to limit rows returned in Firebird query results.
How to Limit Rows with H2 Information on how to limit rows returned in H2 query results.
How to Limit Rows with HSQLDB Information on how to limit rows returned in HSQLDB query results.
How to Limit Rows with Informix Information on how to limit rows returned in Informix query results.
How to Limit Rows with Pervasive Information on how to limit rows returned in Pervasive query results.
How to Limit Rows with Redshift Information on how to limit rows returned in Redshift query results.
How to Limit Rows with Salesforce Information on how to limit rows returned in Salesforce query results.
How to Limit Rows with SimpleDB Information on how to limit rows returned in SimpleDB query results.
How to Limit Rows with SQLite Information on how to limit rows returned in SQLite query results.
How to Limit Rows with Teradata Information on how to limit rows returned in Teradata query results.
Connecting to Salesforce Databases with RazorSQL Information on the Salesforce support provided by RazorSQL
Connecting to Amazon DynamoDB Databases with RazorSQL Information on the DynamoDB support provided by RazorSQL
Connecting to Cassandra Databases with RazorSQL Information on the Apache Cassandra support provided by RazorSQL
Connecting to MariaDB Databases with RazorSQL Information on the MariaDB support provided by RazorSQL
Setting up and Connecting to SQL Azure Information on how to setup an SQL Azure database and how to connect to an SQL Azure database from RazorSQL.
How to Setup and Connect to Amazon RDS for MySQL Information on how to setup an Amazon RDS MySQL instance and get connected.
Querying QuickBooks Data Using SQL via ODBC Information on how to use RazorSQL to work with QuickBooks.